Free Virtual Legal Self-help Clinic
A FREE legal clinic for parties who have no attorney. Volunteer attorneys will answer questions, help fill out forms, and explain the process and procedure for civil legal issues, including family law, civil litigation, property law, probate law, collections, appeals, landlord-tenant law, veteran’s benefits, and civil protection orders.
3:30pm-5pm, 2nd Monday of every other month
2023 dates: February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, August 14, October 9, December 11
Please call 888-861-7323 to register for a 15-minute appointment.
Date and Time
Monday Oct 9, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM MDT
2nd Monday of every other month, 3:30pm-5pm
2023 dates: February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, August 14, October 9, December 11
Erie Community Library
400 Powers Street
Erie CO 80516
Contact Information
Lisa 888-861-7323
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